As for the sailing we all had a great time with Beaufort 2-7, the hand over was very simple and thorough, the staff were very helpful and the yacht was ready to go several hours earlier than the 16.00 hrs so we sailed out that afternoon and had our first meal at a 'jetty restaurant' a couple of hours away.
The Turkish marine regulations for sanitation and mooring in many of the bays mean beautiful clean water to swim in straight off the boat morning noon and night. The neighbouring yacht at one place told us this was, (along with New Zealand) the best place to sail. As to yourself, you answered every email quickly, sorted out any problem that arose, and when we had a gear breakage it was fixed as quickly as possible. Many thanks and we hope to come again but it is a long journey from N.Z
Mark Fort
New Zealand
12 - 19 Haziran 2010 haftasi acentaniz araciligiyla Bodrum Yalikavak Marina'dan Dufour 385 Grand Large modeli bir tekne kiralayarak Gokova korfezinde yelken yaptim. oncelikle teknenin her açidan tam teçhizatli olmasi ve hemen hemen her turlu donaniminin eksiksiz çalistigini gormek bizi çok mutlu etti.
Verilen bilgiler ve saglanan destekler de çok kiymetli idi. Tekne gayet iyi temizlenmis ve hazirlanmis idi. Ilk rezervasyon anindan son tekneyi teslim etme anina kadar yardimci olmaniz da takdire sayandir. Butun yelkenci arkadaslara sizlerle çalismalarini içtenlikle tavsiye ederim.
Devamli bir musteri kazandiginizi belirtmek isterim.
Ilginiz için tesekkurlerimi sunarim. Bir sonraki rezervasyonda gorusmek dilegiyle !!
H. Alp Ozkan
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