Mavi yolculuðumuzdan çok memnun kaldýk. Yemeklerden lezzetli ve çeþitliydi. Tekne çok güzel ve temizdi. Gezdiðimiz koylar temiz, sakin ve bize ait gibiydi. Kaptanýn her yeri karýþ karýþ biliyor olmasý gideceðimiz koylarda hayal kýrýklýðýna uðramayacaðýmýzýn garantisiydi. Uyumlu ve güleryüzlü ekipten yolculuk boyunca memnunduk ve sorun yaþamadýk. Popüler mavi tur rotalarý haricinde berrak denizde yüzmek ve sakin koylarda geceleyip sessizliði dinleyerek yýldýzlarý izlemek isteyenler Bozburun rotasýný tercih etmeliler. Dimitri, Hurmalý, Serçe, Bozukkale ve Kadýrga koylarý harikaydý. Sýð limanda denize girmeyi unutmayýn.
Teþekkürler Boating Turkey
Ömer ARI
Haziran 2009
We had a wonderful week holidaying on board one of Boating Turkey’s gulets in September 2016. We left from Marmaris, visited Rhodes, Bozborum, a number of Turkish bays, Datca, Symi, Nisyros, Kos and disembarked at Bodrum. We found Necmi Artar very straightforward and helpful to deal with during the planning and arrival phase and it was great to be able to be so flexible in choosing our itinerary. The crew were very friendly and keen to help and Volkan was a wonderful cook and spearfisherman! We would definitely be very happy to use Boating Turkey again and Turkey remains one of our favourite places in the world. If only it was closer to New Zealand!
Graeme Smaill
New Zealand
Dear Necmi,
We had a absolute ball! We are 9 middle age friends who hired a self catering Gulet, not quite knowing what to expect! We didn't want to eat on board every night, but wanted to go ashore to socialise! Wow - Zigi ( our gracious Captain ), Ersan ( 2nd mate and a superb waiter) and Josef ( an amazing Chef, whose food surpassed any eaten ashore!), made our time on board, better than anything we could have expected! Never belly laughed so much in years, we all returned back to work horizontal! Thank you so very, very, much!
Thanks, Necmi for your patience and help,
Michael and friends!
Michael Evans
We rented 3 boats simultaneously (2 Lagoon 421 and 1 Oceanis 54) for 24 persons. The boats were in good shape, 1, 2 and 4 years old. The service from Boating Turkey staff during check-in and ceck-out was friendly and helpfull. The service of Boating Turkey / Necmi during the whole organization was perfect, efficient, friendly and the whole experience was so that we gladly would contact you the next time we'd like to rent a boat in Turkey.