Boat Charter Turkey

Boating Turkey is the Turkey's local leading yacht charter company, providing Luxury Gulet, Sailing Yacht, Sailboat, Bareboat, Catamaran, Boat, Motor Yacht Charters & Rental Services in Turkey, Bodrum, Gocek, Marmaris, Fethiye and Antalya.

It's going to be a great charter again


Boating Turkey welcomes you the best boat and yacht charter holiday in Turkey and offers a great variety of skippered or bareboat sailing yachts, catamarans or private crewed gulets cruise and luxury motor yacht charters throughout the whole sail season along Turkish coast. You can charter a gulet, bareboat sailing boat, motor yacht or catamaran by renting a boat through Boating Turkey.
Compare the rental rates over 1.000 yachts all over Turkey. Get your free boat quotation with the best sailing holiday price guaranteed!
What our clients say!

7 of us had the most superb weeks holiday on the Gullet Hasay in late June 2012. The boat had been completely renovated the previous year and was extremely comfortable. Our Captain, Typhoon, was fantastic with a good command of English and great sense of humour. Our Cook [ should be called a Chef ] named Marhoot [ sorry for spelling ] was so creative that whilst we had booked half board [ breakfast and 1 meal a day ] after 4 days we reprovisioned so that we did not have to get off the boat for meals. Memmo deserves a medal for his hard and enthusiastic work, he never allowed anyone’s glass to go dry at any time of the day or night, he decorated the dining table with fresh flowers and creative napkins for every meal all of this after cleaning and scrubbing every surface of the gullet every day. Well done to you all who made our holiday extremely memorable and we shall certainly be back next year and hope that Marhoot has not been made a captain and will still be in his spotless but tiny galley. Thank you all so much

Jill Mouat
Plettenerg Bay, South Africa.

Dear Necmi,

Our group of six travelled from the USA to charter the 3 cabin Oceanis 50 that you arranged for us. I have chartered yachts many times over the last 30 years. Our experience with your agency was flawless, from the information provided about our yacht, her equipment and condition, to your timely response to my many inquiries. The Port of Gocek, and the Skopea Marina operation is truly impressive, which comes as no surprise when you see some of the fine yachts that are berthed at the facility. Your contractor that handles the inspection, care and maintenance of the fleet is extremely professional and patient. We were able to get underway early on the first day of our charter. Our group likes to sail, and over the course of the week we were able to sail as far East as Kalkan and as far West as Ekincik, enjoying the beautiful and rugged scenery along the way. It was also a pleasant surprise to be able to communicate with such ease everywhere we visited. While we had the capability of six languages on board, the easiest for us was English, and it was spoken everywhere we went. In summary, our yacht was well equipped and in excellent condition, and our group had a terrific experience that I would recommend to others without reservation.

Jon Golden

Mavi yolculuðumuzdan çok memnun kaldýk. Yemeklerden lezzetli ve çeþitliydi. Tekne çok güzel ve temizdi. Gezdiðimiz koylar temiz, sakin ve bize ait gibiydi. Kaptanýn her yeri karýþ karýþ biliyor olmasý gideceðimiz koylarda hayal kýrýklýðýna uðramayacaðýmýzýn garantisiydi. Uyumlu ve güleryüzlü ekipten yolculuk boyunca memnunduk ve sorun yaþamadýk. Popüler mavi tur rotalarý haricinde berrak denizde yüzmek ve sakin koylarda geceleyip sessizliði dinleyerek yýldýzlarý izlemek isteyenler Bozburun rotasýný tercih etmeliler. Dimitri, Hurmalý, Serçe, Bozukkale ve Kadýrga koylarý harikaydý. Sýð limanda denize girmeyi unutmayýn.
Teþekkürler Boating Turkey

Ömer ARI
Haziran 2009

Dear Boating Turkey Team
The boat was well maintained, Nizam was an excellent skipper and we also enjoyed his company -- A great fellow!The Apartment hotel was excellent. The woman who runs it was very nice to all of us and the place is clean and comfortable and priced right. We had a very nice vacation. Thank you for your help. We will try to do it again sometime with you.

Prof David Berliner


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