We had a good cruise from Bodrum to Marmaris during early September of 2013.
A chef is always important in situations like these and Hassan certainly rose to the occasion, delivering a range of tasty, nutritious and healthy meals doing more than justice to the Turkish cuisine under difficult conditions.
The boat hands Arkhan and Aktihm were extremely diligent, keeping the boat spotless at all times. Aktihm was particularly pleasant with an omnipresent mischievous smile!
Duran, the skipper, performed his task well, demonstrating good seamanship at all times and proving to be an expert at preparing just about anything on the bow mounted barbeque. He chose a sensible route, selecting good overnight stops in beautiful coves, passages and charming villages. Communicating our route, advice and suggestions about what to do ashore and engagement generally was somewhat limited.
Our diverse group from South Africa and New Zealand got on really well, truly enjoying the on board hospitality.
We were somewhat disappointed that the boat was not fully equipped to sail rather than motor all the time. An on board wind surfer and snorkelling gear would have been welcome as well.
Besides that, we had a great time. Boating Turkey were flexible regarding our needs arriving and departing and we will use them again.
Kind regards
Martin and Maureen Louw and friends,
South Africa & New Zealand
12 - 19 Haziran 2010 haftasi acentaniz araciligiyla Bodrum Yalikavak Marina'dan Dufour 385 Grand Large modeli bir tekne kiralayarak Gokova korfezinde yelken yaptim. oncelikle teknenin her açidan tam teçhizatli olmasi ve hemen hemen her turlu donaniminin eksiksiz çalistigini gormek bizi çok mutlu etti.
Verilen bilgiler ve saglanan destekler de çok kiymetli idi. Tekne gayet iyi temizlenmis ve hazirlanmis idi. Ilk rezervasyon anindan son tekneyi teslim etme anina kadar yardimci olmaniz da takdire sayandir. Butun yelkenci arkadaslara sizlerle çalismalarini içtenlikle tavsiye ederim.
Devamli bir musteri kazandiginizi belirtmek isterim.
Ilginiz için tesekkurlerimi sunarim. Bir sonraki rezervasyonda gorusmek dilegiyle !!
H. Alp Ozkan
Pascal Aznar
All the best,
Danielle Aslaner
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