Hello Necmi,
We have just completed a wonderful week of sailing around Gocek. I would like to thank you for your arrangements for us and also to give a very favourable review for EGG and their professionalism and the standard of boat provided. We will certainly recommend you and EGG to our friends in Australia.
Thank you and regards
Marc & Kim Aliotte
Mavi yolculuðumuzdan çok memnun kaldýk. Yemeklerden lezzetli ve çeþitliydi. Tekne çok güzel ve temizdi. Gezdiðimiz koylar temiz, sakin ve bize ait gibiydi. Kaptanýn her yeri karýþ karýþ biliyor olmasý gideceðimiz koylarda hayal kýrýklýðýna uðramayacaðýmýzýn garantisiydi. Uyumlu ve güleryüzlü ekipten yolculuk boyunca memnunduk ve sorun yaþamadýk. Popüler mavi tur rotalarý haricinde berrak denizde yüzmek ve sakin koylarda geceleyip sessizliði dinleyerek yýldýzlarý izlemek isteyenler Bozburun rotasýný tercih etmeliler. Dimitri, Hurmalý, Serçe, Bozukkale ve Kadýrga koylarý harikaydý. Sýð limanda denize girmeyi unutmayýn.
Teþekkürler Boating Turkey
Ömer ARI
Haziran 2009
Dear Necmi,
I was recently on board the Grand Mare with Michelle Neumann and my friends. We had an amazing adventure and I personally loved being on board every minute. The crew were friendly and respectful in every way. Having said that I would jump at the chance to get back on board and go sailing again. Hope this is of some help.
Donna Treby
I am writing to praise and recommend Boating Turkey and Necmi in particular for any chartering you may contemplate. They are efficient, professional and everything is just as they promised. The boat we chartered exceeded out expectations for condition and equipment. The marina was first-rate as well. If you are considering chartering in Turkey, go to Boating Turkey as they have a premier service and are great people with whom to do business.